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Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday - YPI Day #1

Good evening, everyone!

Today we kicked off the Young Professionals Institute at Education City, working with our colleagues from the six campuses including the College of the North Atlantic and Qatar University. This will be the culmination activity from our time spent here in Qatar, working with each group on the major positions in higher education and student affairs. We hope that our work with our Qatari colleagues is beneficial as they continue to expand and grow their educational opportunities within the country. The Qatar Foundation and Education City seeks to continue to expand their offerings to students, and no doubt our work will be used to supplement their future growth.

I am part of the Student Development group, and I must say that our group is probably one of the most involved. We have to take into account a certain part of everyone else’s group (including commuting students, role of family, student leadership, etc) because they all come back to influence how student development works.

Our day started off with a quick pre-meeting with Denny and Paige, and then we were off to our rooms to begin our work. A main portion of our work involves identifying the key focus areas within our specific topic, evaluating and solidifying key outcomes we want to consider for continued discussion, and formalizing a recommended plan of action we will share in a final presentation on Thursday. Our key focus areas include overall development, professional development, multicultural competence, and co-curricular involvement.

In our morning work we discussed our group’s direction, and in the afternoon began to work in earnest on our list of key areas to being to narrow down and discover outcomes. While we didn’t make it through our full document, we will finish that portion in the morning and move forward with our desired outcome list. We had a very lively discussion, and I have no doubt our good work will continue tomorrow. Laura was not feeling well later this afternoon, so I hope she’s well enough to join us tomorrow…seems like we’ve had a few little bugs going around the group the last two days.

After we were through with our work for the day, a group of us took to the Souk for some downtime and shopping. The day is winding down…more group work tomorrow, and my brain is tired.

Yes, this is a dressed up rabbit from the souk. No, I did not ask or barter for a price.

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