...constantly searching to find the best travel deals and places to visit. A never-ending quest for adventure!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone...hope everyone is celebrating the birth of our Lord safely and sound.

I am happy to report that my coursework for 2009 has officially been completed...I had one last project to work on for Qatar, and that was handed in today. I'm so glad to be done, at least for now. It'll be nice not to have to think about homework for a few days. I'm just hoping now that I'm able to safely get back to WI. The weather is not cooperating very well right now in Milwaukee, and my brother's flight was barely able to land tonight.

Early 2010 will bring a trip to Qatar, and a new adventure!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

semester is done

My final paper is done!

My second final paper is done!

The semester is finally over...1 down, a few more to go.